Welcome to SS's Ice Kewl Palace!

Under Construction

Hello! Welcome to my palace! Enjoy your stay! My palace is home now to nothing inpeticular yet but soon I will have some sort of theme, but right now I'll just have my ancient tablets up. Now bow to me! I am king

Special Notes:

Hey, what happened to my site?!?! It's totally revamped! If you want to check out the old one go to the link at the bottom but I don't update it anymore, it's jsut there so u can read arena stories and whatnot.

Sorry my site looks crappy, I'm using only HTML

Update: Octobor 29, 2000: I started my site up again, this time I took out the arena cause I'm not into that kind of stuff anymore and it took too much time.

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Ancient Tablets: Here are all the stories I've ever written, well, I have to add alot to it but it takes time dudes! Lemme lone!

Alien Adoption Agency: The new triple-A! Adopt an alien! There are 10 *From eahc plent including the sun* and they are good, clean, dirty fun!

Cloud's Corner: Hey! Come and read soem of Clouds adventures and the stuff he does!

Links & Webrings: Trying to leave my page? *Sniffle* Fine! *Trys to throw glass at you but you duck and it hits the wall* Ah! I'm sorry! Just visit these pages!

Awards: I got awards! Holy coffee beans! You better visit here or... *Governement agent walks in* ..uh, I won't do anything because psycally hurting you is against the law, right officer?

Palace Message Board: Hey! come in and grab a knife and engrave a few words on the palace block of ice! C'mon! Everybodys doing it!

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Updates: If your'e either bored or drunk, come along and enjoy the updates, or the swirling white letters if your'e drunk.

My crew:My crew works day and night, wel not really, making my life hear a little easier and your journey a little funner. Actually, that sounded stupid. And funner isn't even a word, I even mispelled well. Anywho, they are my.... uhh... crew (As you see I have writers block...

Contacts: Email me here and I'll try and answer in a day! Unless this page gets famous or something..

Oh, and for TMS the hacker, now I'm never gonna link your site and if you do it again I'll ban you from my arena and report you. Happy?

Old Site